The purpose of booklets is to provide information on single important issues associated with the Holocaust. Each category the list of booklets which you may print and use.
The following is a list of topics discussed in these documents:
There is more to the Holocaust than the death of six million Jews (Under Construction)
The purpose of booklets is to provide information on single important issues associated with the Holocaust. Each category the list of booklets which you may print and use.
The following is a list of topics discussed in these documents:
Due to the timely considerations of re-signing the Iran Deal by the Biden administration. We provide an expanded critique by the New York Times and the Jewish Journal in The Opinion Book Volume 2 which deals with a wide panoramic view of the Middle East. We urge the reader who is interested to access the Holocausts Wars Opinions and Critiques Volume 2.
Although the author’s critiques were generated several years ago they are still valid.
The Stories / Events / People in the entire set of books we call
“The Holocaust Wars Project” were chosen to satisfy simple criteria:
This Author’s note is the latest addition to the “Khelm Revolutions”
manuscript. It is the product of a whole series of intellectual droppings by professional Israel haters – whose passion and consistency exceeds all bounds.
Long ago, Mendl gave up on debating with people who are not essentially sane. These “not-essentially-sane” people belong to every segment of the IQ measure, every political conviction, religious affiliation, dedication to cultural trends, affiliation with do-good organizations, etc., etc. Mendl was not going to provide an academic treatise re: “Definition of ‘not-so-sane-people.’”
WHAT MADE JS ANGRY? At age 84 and a very special background, many things infuriate him:
It is a storyline for a movie. IT IS A TRUE STORY. The storyline has, at
its core, the transformative effect of WWII on five key characters
(including myself).